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Since the late nineteenth century, devoted Catholics have put their faith into practice through Saint Patrick Parish.


When we put our faith into practice, we leave a legacy. Part of our legacy is immediate: We touch the lives of other people with the love of Jesus Christ. Part of our legacy lasts much longer: We are the instruments of blessings that affect the lives of future generations.


The faithful Catholics who sacrificed to build our magnificent church, to establish our Catholic school complex, to construct the Cor Unum Meal Center, and to put in place many programs of Christian formation, have left permanent legacies of their faith through Saint Patrick Parish.


Each of us is blessed with the opportunity to help build the Kingdom of God through Saint Patrick’s during our lifetime. When we complete our earthly journeys, we are also blessed with the unique opportunity to continue to support Christ’s work through Saint Patrick’s . . . to leave a strong legacy of putting our faith into practice even after death.  




The Saint Patrick Parish Legacy Society offers assistance in using Planned Giving as a powerful legacy of our faith. “Planned Giving” is a method of charitable giving that involves estate and financial planning. The Saint Patrick Parish Legacy Society helps us better understand Planned Giving, connects us with resources to put Planned Giving into action, and honors those who choose to establish a long-term faith legacy at Saint Patrick’s.


The Saint Patrick Parish Legacy Society involves no dues, obligations, or solicitations. It assists us in establishing Planned Giving as a perpetual legacy for ourselves and as a witness of faith for our families. It helps our parish to create an infrastructure of support that makes us stronger, sustainable, and better equipped to serve future generations. The Saint Patrick Parish Legacy Society also acknowledges, honors, and prays for all who make the choice to support Saint Patrick’s through Planned Giving.


Please use this website to read an Introduction to Planned Giving and to learn about the Benefits of Giving.


To arrange to speak with a leader of the Saint Patrick Parish Legacy Society, call (978) 683-9416 or leave an online message by clicking here.


If you have named Saint Patrick Parish or a favorite ministry of Saint Patrick Parish in your estate plan, please let us know. We want to thank you for your generosity and welcome you into the Saint Patrick Parish Legacy Society!

Saint Patrick Parish Legacy Society

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